Power Series, Differentiation and Integration for functions of several variables and their applications.
時間 Time: Tuesday 5:00pm-6:00pm & Wednesday 9:00am-10:00am 或另約 or by appointment 地點Office: ST611(Tel. 2359-0121-ext32511)
Email: linyiz0801@thu.edu.tw
02/22:Review on Power Series with one application, Introduction to ODE
02/24:1st order ODE's of the form y'= f(x,y). linear, separable, exact RQ #01
02/29:Second-Order Linear ODE's; Theory: H, NH; Particular Solution: UC, VP
03/02:Application of Power Series on solving ODE's: Series Solution at Ordinary Point
03/03=02/27:More on Linear ODE's: Operator Method RQ #02
03/07:Functions of Several Variables and Their Graphs: RectangularC, CylindricalC, SphericalC
03/09:Differentiability on Several Variables Functions RQ #03
03/14:Partial Derivatives for Functions of Several Variables
03/16:Directional Derivatives RQ #04
03/21:More on Chain Rules
03/23:Applications of Chain Rule including Tangent Planes Again RQ #05
03/28:Absolute Maxima and Minima
03/30:Second Derivative Test for Relative Extrema
04/04:Spring Break
04/06:Spring Break
04/11:Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates RQ #06
04/13:No classes (Happy Study Day!)
04/25:Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates RQ #07
04/27:Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates
05/02:Change of Variables on Multiple Integrals RQ #08
05/04:More on Change of Variables on Multiple Integrals
05/09:Fundamental Theorem on Line Integrals (Statement)
05/11:More on FTLI Example Wiki
05/16:Green Theorem and its Applications
05/18:Curl and Divergence of Vector Fields
05/19:Study day for 1st final exam (No Class) RQ #11
05/23:Surface Area (Differential Surface Area)
05/25:Mass of Lamina and Surface Integrals RQ #12
05/30:Flux Integrals Ex1 Ex2 RQ #13
06/01:Stokes' Theorem
06/06:Divergence Theorem
06/08:More on Divergence Theorem RQ #15
06/15:No classes (Happy Study Day!)