Course Plan of Tunghai University
一.課程基本資料 Course Information
開課系所 Department (日)數學系 Mathematics
課程名稱 Course Title  Calculus
課程編號 Course Number 3096 學分數 Credits 3 - 0
必選修別 Required/Elective 必修 先修課程 Prerequisites High School Algebra
Prerequisites instruction
Course Description

Differential/Integral Calculus for One Variable and Their Applications

二、教學相關資料 Instruction Information
授課教師 Instructor



EXT 32511

上課時間 (地點)
Time (Place) to meet
Thursday 09:10-10:00 noon (H105)
晤談時間Office Hours

Hours時間:  Monday/Friday 09:10-10:00am and by appointment

Room 地點: ST611(Ext 分機 32511)

Teaching Assistant
周昌勝: 辦公室 Office:  ST603 分機 Ext 32509
Recitation Class
二/12:00-15:00 (Office Hours)


Contact Information
電話(Phone): 分機 Ext 32509


三、課程大綱 Syllabus
■  課程目標 (Course Objectives)

We will study two basic concepts in this class: 

1. The derivative of a function at some point, a concept motivated by computing the slope of a curve at a point; 

2. The definite integral of a function over an interval, a concept motivated by evaluating the area of the region under a curve on an interval.

We will also study the connection between these two concepts and some of their applications.

■  主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印)
Brief Calculus & Its Applications, Goldstein/Lay/Schneider/Asmar, 12th Edition, 2010, Pearson Education International.

教學進度(Course Schedule) 
日期Date 內容主題與進度 Course Topics and Class Schedule
指定資料連結 Course Reading Materials Links
1 09/15/2016: Mid Autumn Festival/4-days Fall Break (Diagonostic Test at home and check answer here)
2 09/22/2016: Review Chapter 0/Terminologies and Notations/Overview of Calculus

Suggested exercises:(pp. 91-92) 2, 9, 17, 20, 23, 29, 35, 45, 52, 59, 66

3 09/29/2016: The Slope of a Curve at a Point/Rate of Change/The Derivatives

Reading Quiz 01/Suggested exercises: (p.106) 7, 11, 17, 21, 27, 37, 43

4 10/06/2016: Differentiability/Continuity/Constant Multiple and Sum Rules

Reading Quiz 02 Suggested exercises: (p.114) 7, 19, 23, 25, 37, 40; (p.165) 9, 19, 27, 29

5 10/13/2016: Differentials/Curve Sketching (First four sections of Chapter 2)

Reading Quiz 03 Suggested exercises: (p.205) 30, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40

6 10/20/2016: Product and Quotient Rules/Chain Rule/Implicit Differentiation

First Micro-century Exam/Suggested exercises: (p.213) 18, 27, 32, 48; (p.222) 7, 11, 23, 27

7 10/27/2016: The Exponential Functions and their Derivatives/Reading Quiz 04
8 11/03/2016: More Applications of the Derivatives/Reading Quiz 05
9 11/10/2016: Second Micro-century Exam
10 11/17/2016: The Logarithm Functions and their Derivatives/Reading Quiz 06

Suggested exercises: (p.238) 27, 35, 37, 39, 42-43; (p.242) 29, 31

11 11/24/2016: Areas and Riemann sums/The Definite Integrals

Reading Quiz 07/Exercises: (p.251) 15, 17, 25; (p.256) 43, 45, 47

12 12/01/2016: FTC/Evaluation of Definite Integrals/Apps on Definite Integrals/Reading Quiz 08

Exercises: (p.324) 6-7, 11, 17, 22, 30, 32; (p.332) 5, 7, 11, 13, 17

13 12/08/2016: Integration by Substitution/Trig Functions and their Derivatives

Reading Quiz 09/Exercises:  (pp.340-341) 1, 7, 29, 31; (p.425) 1, 7, 12, 16, 26, 31, 35

14 12/15/2016: Integration by Parts/Reading Quiz 10/Third Micro-century Exam

Exercises: (p.410) 13, 21; (p.415) 21, 31

15 12/22/2016: Review/(p.426) 43, 49; (p.430) 1, 13, 16, 17, 22, 36

Fourth Micro-century Exam (Extra, so that you may have 15 more added to your final grade!)

16 12/29/2016: Review for Final Exam
17 01/05/2017: Final Exam
18 01/12/2017: Final Exam Week

■  評分方式 (Grading Policy)

Assessment Item
1 1st Micro-century Exam


15% 10/20/2016
2 2nd Micro-century Exam


15% 11/10/2016
3 3rd Micro-century Exam

4th Micro-century Exam

15% 12/15/2016


4 Final Exam 


30% 01/05/2017
5 Homework and Quizzes 


25% Class Participation, Homework and Quizzes

Together with Attendance of Recitation Class

■ In Class Bylaw
First thing: Each week, finish reading quiz on Wednesday night, it can help you to learn the basic concepts more effectively.
Open your heart: Be happy to attend calculus class and take note if necessary.
Open your eyes: Never mind in case of falling asleep, but keep your eyes open always.
Close your mouth: Keep silence unless you are asked to answer a question, no eating either.
Shut down your electronics: This includes your cell phone, notebook computer, iPad, ... .
■  教師教材上網網址 (Personal Website)
